IBM - IIB,WTX,EDI and BPM Solutions By Mallibabu

Friday 30 June 2017

Envelope, Header, and Trailer Segments

Soft Share Tree Level
Segment/ Example Elements
Example Values / Comments
1ISAInterchange InformationIdentifies the sender and receiver using QID's. There is only one ISAThe ISA and IEA segments are called the envelope
1ISA05Sender Qualifier IDTwo digits that specify what kind of sender identification is used in segment ISA0601 = Duns #
08 =UCC EDI #
12 =phone #
14 = Duns + suffix #
ZZ = mutually defined
1ISA06Interchange Sender IDA number that uniquely identifies the senderThe Duns #, UCC EID #, phone #, Duns + suffix #, or mutually defined #
1ISA 07Receiver Qualifier IDTwo digits that specify what kind of receiver identification is used in segment ISA0801 = Duns #
08 =UCC EDI #
12 =phone #
14 = Duns + suffix #
ZZ = mutually defined
1ISA08Interchange Receiver IDA number that uniquely identifies the receiverThe Duns #, UCC EID #, phone #, Duns + suffix #, or mutually defined #
1ISA13Interchange Control NumberSequential assigned number by the sender for this transmissionWill match the ISA15 number in the envelope report on EC Grid
1ISA15Usage IndicatorIdentifies this transmission's purpose for production or testWill be P for Production or T for Test
2GSFunctional Group HeaderIdentifies the kind of business document in this transmissionThere can be more than one GS, but this is very rare
2GS01Functional Identifier CodeTwo letter abbreviation for the type of transaction being sentPO, Purchase Order
SH, Ship Notice
IN, Invoice
FA, Functional Acknowledgement
PC, Purchase Order Change
RA, Remit Advice
RS, Order Status
2GS02Application Sender's CodeThe identification number of the senderSame as ISA06
2GS03Application Receiver's CodeThe identification number of the receiverSame as ISA08
2GS06Group Control NumberSequentially assigned by sender for each functional groupWill match the control number in the AK1 segment of the 997 for a summary level 997
NASTTransaction Set HeaderMarks beginning of a document, for example, one Purchase OrderA transaction set is one business document, and there can be multiple documents (common for Purchase Orders)
NAST01Transaction Set ID CodeThree digit number for the type of transaction set (i.e. document being sent)850 for Purchase Order
810 for Invoice
Redundant with GS01 but uses 3 digits instead of 2 letters
NAST02Transaction Set Control NumberSequentially assigned number by the sender for each transaction set 
NASETransaction Set TrailerMarks the end of a document, for example, one Purchase Order 
NASE01Number of Included SegmentsThe number of segments included in the transaction set 
NASE02Transaction Set Control NumberThe control number of the transaction set just endedMust match the control number in ST02 of this transmission
NAGEFunctional Group TrailerMarks the end of the functional group 
NAGE01Number of Transaction SetsThe number of transaction sets included in this functional group just ended 
NAGE02Group Control NumberThe control number of the functional group just endedMust match the control number in GS06 of this transmission
NAIEAInterchange Control TrailerMarks the end of one functional group(s) and the end of an EDI TransmissionThe ISA and IEA segments are called the "envelope"
NAIEA01Number of Included Functional GroupsNumber of GS segmentsThis is very rarely more than one
NAIEA02Interchange Control NumberThe same number as ISA13Must match the ISA13 number in this transmission

Note: all of the above envelope, header, and trailer segments and elements usage are very similar for most trading partners. The Transaction Set Segments vary by the type of transaction (PO, Invoice, ASN) as well as within the transaction type for each trading partner's requirements.

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