IBM - IIB,WTX,EDI and BPM Solutions By Mallibabu

Friday 30 June 2017

856 Advanced Ship Notice Elements

Segment / Example ElementsNameDescriptionExample Values / Comments
BSNBeginningMarks the start of an ASN and has identifying information 
BSN02Shipment IdentificationA unique number assigned by the shipper for this shipmentNot the same as purchase order or bill of lading number
BSN03DateDate the shipment is sentCCYYMMDD format
BSN05Hierarchical Structure CodeCode indicating the structure of this ASN0001 = Pick & Pack
0002 = Standard Pack
TD5Carrier DetailsSpecifies the carrier and routing sequence 
TD503Identification CodeCode identifying the carrier 
TD504Transportation MethodThe transportation method used, vehicleA = Air
AE = Air Express
C = Consolidation
CE = Customer Pickup
L = Contract Carrier
M = Motor (common carrier)
P = Private Carrier
U = Private Parcel Service
REFReference IdentificationMay be used for matching the Carrier's EDI 214 Carrier Status message with this EDI 856 Ship Notice message 
REF01Reference Identification QualifierIndicates the type of carrier number used in REF03A = Air
AE = Air Express
C = Consolidation
CE = Customer Pickup
L = Contract Carrier
M = Motor (common carrier)
P = Private Carrier
U = Private Parcel Service
REF02Reference IdentificationThe number being referencedThe carrier's BOL (Bill of Lading) number
N1NameTo identify a party or organization using a code 
N101Entity ID CodeIdentifies the type or party or organizationST = Ship To party
N103ID code qualifierIdentifies the type of ID code in N10492 = assigned by buyer
N104ID codeThe code for the party or organization4 digit code to identify a store or distribution center
PRFPurchase Order ReferenceContains data about the purchase order being filled by this ASN 
PRF01Purchase Order NumberThe purchase order number being filled by this Advance Ship NoticeSame purchase order number as on the 850 transaction
TD1Carrier DetailsSpecifies transportation details including community, weight, and quantity 
TD101Packaging CodeCode indicating the type of packaging25 = Carton
31 = Carton Fiber
76 = Carbon Paper
TD102Lading QuantityThe number of shipping unites (pieces) of the lading commoditySometimes referred to as the number of cartons shipped
PO4*Item Physical DetailsSpecifies the packaging, weights, and dimensions 
PO401*PackCode indicating the type of packaging 
PO414*Inner PackThe number of eaches per inner container; if inner cartons are used, this is the number of selling units within the inner cartons only 
MAN*Marks and NumberIndicates identifying marks and numbers on the shipment 
MAN02*Marks and NumbersThe SSCC-18 NumberSometimes referred to as the UCC-128 number
LIN*Item IdentificationItem identification data 
LIN02*Product/Service ID QualifierCode identifying type of identification number used in LIN03CB = Buyers Catalog Number
UP = UPC Consumer Package Code
LIN03*Product/Service IDThe identifying number for the product or service 
SN1*Item Detail (Shipment)Specifies line-item detail for this shipment 
SN102*Number of Unites ShippedThe number of units in this shipmentDepends on the type of 856 structure (Pick & Pack or Standard Pack)
SN103*Unit or Basis for MeasurementCode specifying the units in which the value is being expressedCA = Case
EA = Each

*Indicates segment is located on detail level of transaction

Note: The above segments and elements are examples only and will vary from trading partner to trading partner. Refer to the trading partner's EDI Guidelines to determine the segment and element usage for a particular EDI transmission.

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