IBM - IIB,WTX,EDI and BPM Solutions By Mallibabu

Friday 30 June 2017

EDI Transmissions

 The above diagram demonstrates the transmission flow of an 850 Purchase Order from a trading partner's server to your own. In order for the file to be properly routed, the sender and receiver qualifier ID's (located in the ISA segment) are identified throughout each of the steps. Furthermore, each transmission is assigned an Interchange Control Number by the sending party to uniquely identify a transmission for a given sender and receiver qualifier ID pair. Control numbers within the Interchange Control Number, Functional Group Trailer, and Transaction Set Trailer segments also provide the means for each step to verify that the complete transmission was received.

This flow chart shows the route taken by an 810 Invoice transmission from your server to a trading partner's server. In order for the file to be properly routed, the sender and receiver qualifier ID's (located in the ISA segment) are identified throughout each of the steps. Furthermore, each transmission is assigned an Interchange Control Number by the sending party to uniquely identify a transmission for a given sender and receiver qualifier ID pair. Control numbers within the Interchange Control Number, Functional Group Trailer, and Transaction Set Trailer segments also provide the means for each step to verify that the complete transmission was received.

The above diagram illustrates the general path of EDI transactions and allows us to visualize how we can evaluate and "track" the flow of EDI transmissions. The Mailbag Report, as seen in the chart, is sent information from a Value Added Network (VAN) to identify which envelopes were received. In another measure taken for transaction tracking, the Envelope Report identifies the sender and receiver qualifier ID's as well as the Interchange Control Number for each document that is transmitted. Both the Mailbag and Envelope Reports are given information by your own VAN, and the involved trading partner likely has access to their own Mailbag and Envelope Reports from their own VAN as well. These measures give us the ability to track EDI transmissions from one server to another.

810 Invoice Elements

Segment / Example ElementsNameDescriptionExample Values / Comments
BIGBeginningMarks the start of the invoice and has identifying informations 
BIG01Invoice DateThe date of this invoiceCCYYMMDD format
BIG02Invoice NumberThe number of this invoice 
BIG04Purchase Order NumberThe purchase order number corresponding to this invoiceMatches the purchase order number in the BEG03 element
N1NameTo identify a party or organization using a code 
N101Entity ID CodeIdentifies the type or party or organizationBY = Buying party
N103ID code qualifierIdentifies the type of ID code in N10492 = assigned by buyer
N104ID codeThe code for the party or organization4 digit code to identify a store or distribution center
ITDTerms of SaleSpecifies the terms of the sale 
ITD01Terms Type CodeCode for the type of terms05 = discount not applicable
08 = basic discount offered
ITD03Terms Discount PercentThe amount of the discount as a percentage 
ITD07Terms Net DaysThe number of days until the total invoice amount is due 
DTMDate/Time ReferenceSpecifies relevant dates and times 
DTM01Date/Time QualifierIdentifies the kind of date used in DTM02011 for the actual date the merchandise was shipped
DTM02DateThe date being referrencedCCYYMMDD format
FOBFOB Related InstructionsSpecifies transportation and payment instructions for a shipment 
FOB01Shipment method of PaymentDescribes how the shipping is paidCC = Collect
CF = Collect with freight credited to customer
DF = Defined by buyer and seller
MX = Mixed
PC = Prepaid and charged to customer
PO = Prepaid only
PP = Prepaid by seller
SACService, Promotion, Allowance, or Charge InformationTo request or identify a service, promotion, allowance, or charge and the associated amount or percentage 
SAC01Allowance or Charge IndicatorA code to indicate the type of allowance or chargeA = Allowance
C = Charge
SAC05AmountThe amount of the allowance or chargeOHNS, Order Handling for a New Store
CADCarrier DetailSpecifies transportation details for the items being invoiced 
CAD01Transportation MethodThe transportation method used, vehicleA = Air
AE = Air Express
C = Consolidation
CE = Customer Pickup
L = Contract Carrier
M = Motor (common carrier)
P = Private Carrier
U = Private Parcel Service
CAD04Standard Carrier Alpha CodeThe carrier's identification code 
CAD07Reference Number QualifierIndicates the type of value in CAD08BM = Bill of Lading
CN = PRO/Invoice #
08 = Carrier Assigned Package Number
CAD08Reference NumberBill of Lading, PRO Number, or Tracking Number 
IT01*Baseline Item DetailSpecifies most frequently used Invoice line item dataMultiple IT1 segments (lines) are very common
IT101*Assigned IdentificationThe line number 
IT102*Quantity OrderedThe number of an item being invoiced 
IT104*Unit PriceThe price of one unit (i.e. one item) 
IT107*Product/ Service IDThe buyer's identification number on the item being ordered 
IT109*Product/ Service IDThe vendor's identification number on the item being ordered 
IT111*Product/ Service IDThe UPC consumer package codeThe number scanned as a bar code at the store's checkout counter
PID*Product/Item DescriptionDescribes a product 
PID01*Item Description TypeThe type of description used in PID05F = Free Form
PID05*DescriptionThe description of the product 

*Indicates segment is located on detail level of transaction

Note: The above segments and elements are examples only and will vary from trading partner to trading partner. Refer to the trading partner's EDI Guidelines to determine the segment and element usage for a particular EDI transmission.

856 Advanced Ship Notice Elements

Segment / Example ElementsNameDescriptionExample Values / Comments
BSNBeginningMarks the start of an ASN and has identifying information 
BSN02Shipment IdentificationA unique number assigned by the shipper for this shipmentNot the same as purchase order or bill of lading number
BSN03DateDate the shipment is sentCCYYMMDD format
BSN05Hierarchical Structure CodeCode indicating the structure of this ASN0001 = Pick & Pack
0002 = Standard Pack
TD5Carrier DetailsSpecifies the carrier and routing sequence 
TD503Identification CodeCode identifying the carrier 
TD504Transportation MethodThe transportation method used, vehicleA = Air
AE = Air Express
C = Consolidation
CE = Customer Pickup
L = Contract Carrier
M = Motor (common carrier)
P = Private Carrier
U = Private Parcel Service
REFReference IdentificationMay be used for matching the Carrier's EDI 214 Carrier Status message with this EDI 856 Ship Notice message 
REF01Reference Identification QualifierIndicates the type of carrier number used in REF03A = Air
AE = Air Express
C = Consolidation
CE = Customer Pickup
L = Contract Carrier
M = Motor (common carrier)
P = Private Carrier
U = Private Parcel Service
REF02Reference IdentificationThe number being referencedThe carrier's BOL (Bill of Lading) number
N1NameTo identify a party or organization using a code 
N101Entity ID CodeIdentifies the type or party or organizationST = Ship To party
N103ID code qualifierIdentifies the type of ID code in N10492 = assigned by buyer
N104ID codeThe code for the party or organization4 digit code to identify a store or distribution center
PRFPurchase Order ReferenceContains data about the purchase order being filled by this ASN 
PRF01Purchase Order NumberThe purchase order number being filled by this Advance Ship NoticeSame purchase order number as on the 850 transaction
TD1Carrier DetailsSpecifies transportation details including community, weight, and quantity 
TD101Packaging CodeCode indicating the type of packaging25 = Carton
31 = Carton Fiber
76 = Carbon Paper
TD102Lading QuantityThe number of shipping unites (pieces) of the lading commoditySometimes referred to as the number of cartons shipped
PO4*Item Physical DetailsSpecifies the packaging, weights, and dimensions 
PO401*PackCode indicating the type of packaging 
PO414*Inner PackThe number of eaches per inner container; if inner cartons are used, this is the number of selling units within the inner cartons only 
MAN*Marks and NumberIndicates identifying marks and numbers on the shipment 
MAN02*Marks and NumbersThe SSCC-18 NumberSometimes referred to as the UCC-128 number
LIN*Item IdentificationItem identification data 
LIN02*Product/Service ID QualifierCode identifying type of identification number used in LIN03CB = Buyers Catalog Number
UP = UPC Consumer Package Code
LIN03*Product/Service IDThe identifying number for the product or service 
SN1*Item Detail (Shipment)Specifies line-item detail for this shipment 
SN102*Number of Unites ShippedThe number of units in this shipmentDepends on the type of 856 structure (Pick & Pack or Standard Pack)
SN103*Unit or Basis for MeasurementCode specifying the units in which the value is being expressedCA = Case
EA = Each

*Indicates segment is located on detail level of transaction

Note: The above segments and elements are examples only and will vary from trading partner to trading partner. Refer to the trading partner's EDI Guidelines to determine the segment and element usage for a particular EDI transmission.

850 Purchase Order Elements

Segment / Example ElementsNameDescriptionExample Values / Comments
BEGBeginningMarks the Start of PO and has identifying information 
BEG03Purchase NumberThe number of this purchase order 
BEG05Purchase Order DateThe date assigned to this purchase orderCCYYMMDD format
REFReference Identification  
REF01Reference QualifierIndicates the type of value in REF02IA to indicate Internal Vendor Number
REF02Reference IdentificationThe number being referencedThe vendor number used by the purchaser
SACService, Promotion, Allowance, or Charge InformationTo request or identify a service, promotion, allowance, or charge and the associated amount or percentage 
SAC01Allowance or Charge IndicatorA code to indicate the type of allowance or chargeN = no allowance
SAC04Agency Service, PromotionA code to indicate the type of allowanceOHNS = order handling for a new store
ITDTerms of SaleSpecifies the terms of the sale 
ITD01Terms Type codeCode for the type of terms05 = discount not applicable
08 = basic discount offered
ITD03Terms Discount PercentThe amount of the discount as a percentage 
ITD07Terms Net DaysThe number of days until total invoice amount is due 
DTMDate/Time ReferenceSpecifies relevant dates and times 
DTM01Date/Time QualifierIdentifies the kind of date used in DTM02001 = cancel after date
002 = delivery requested date
DTM02DateThe date being referenced, specified by DTM01CCYYMMDD format
N1NameTo identify a party or organization using a code 
N101Entity ID CodeIdentifies the type of party or organizationBY = buying party
N102NameThe name of party or organizationTSC = Tractor Supply
N103ID Code QualifierIdentifies the type of ID code in N10492 = assigned by buyer
N104ID CodeThe code for the party or organizationFour digit code to identify a store or distribution center
N3, N4Address InformationStreet, City, State address information 
PO1*Baseline Item DetailSpecifies most frequently used Purchase Order line item dataMultiple PO segments (lines) are very common
PO101*Assigned IdentificationThe line number 
PO102*Quantity OrderedThe quantity of an item being ordered 
PO104*Unit PriceThe price of one unit (i.e. one item) 
PO107*Product/Service IDThe buyer's identification number of the item being ordered 
PO109*Product/Service IDThe vendor's identification number of the item being ordered 
PO111*Product/Service IDThe UPC consumer package codeThe number scanned as a bar code at the store's checkout counter

*Indicates segment is located on detail level of transaction

Note: The above segments and elements are examples only and will vary from trading partner to trading partner. Refer to the trading partner's EDI Guidelines to determine the segment and element usage for a particular EDI transmission.

Envelope, Header, and Trailer Segments

Soft Share Tree Level
Segment/ Example Elements
Example Values / Comments
1ISAInterchange InformationIdentifies the sender and receiver using QID's. There is only one ISAThe ISA and IEA segments are called the envelope
1ISA05Sender Qualifier IDTwo digits that specify what kind of sender identification is used in segment ISA0601 = Duns #
08 =UCC EDI #
12 =phone #
14 = Duns + suffix #
ZZ = mutually defined
1ISA06Interchange Sender IDA number that uniquely identifies the senderThe Duns #, UCC EID #, phone #, Duns + suffix #, or mutually defined #
1ISA 07Receiver Qualifier IDTwo digits that specify what kind of receiver identification is used in segment ISA0801 = Duns #
08 =UCC EDI #
12 =phone #
14 = Duns + suffix #
ZZ = mutually defined
1ISA08Interchange Receiver IDA number that uniquely identifies the receiverThe Duns #, UCC EID #, phone #, Duns + suffix #, or mutually defined #
1ISA13Interchange Control NumberSequential assigned number by the sender for this transmissionWill match the ISA15 number in the envelope report on EC Grid
1ISA15Usage IndicatorIdentifies this transmission's purpose for production or testWill be P for Production or T for Test
2GSFunctional Group HeaderIdentifies the kind of business document in this transmissionThere can be more than one GS, but this is very rare
2GS01Functional Identifier CodeTwo letter abbreviation for the type of transaction being sentPO, Purchase Order
SH, Ship Notice
IN, Invoice
FA, Functional Acknowledgement
PC, Purchase Order Change
RA, Remit Advice
RS, Order Status
2GS02Application Sender's CodeThe identification number of the senderSame as ISA06
2GS03Application Receiver's CodeThe identification number of the receiverSame as ISA08
2GS06Group Control NumberSequentially assigned by sender for each functional groupWill match the control number in the AK1 segment of the 997 for a summary level 997
NASTTransaction Set HeaderMarks beginning of a document, for example, one Purchase OrderA transaction set is one business document, and there can be multiple documents (common for Purchase Orders)
NAST01Transaction Set ID CodeThree digit number for the type of transaction set (i.e. document being sent)850 for Purchase Order
810 for Invoice
Redundant with GS01 but uses 3 digits instead of 2 letters
NAST02Transaction Set Control NumberSequentially assigned number by the sender for each transaction set 
NASETransaction Set TrailerMarks the end of a document, for example, one Purchase Order 
NASE01Number of Included SegmentsThe number of segments included in the transaction set 
NASE02Transaction Set Control NumberThe control number of the transaction set just endedMust match the control number in ST02 of this transmission
NAGEFunctional Group TrailerMarks the end of the functional group 
NAGE01Number of Transaction SetsThe number of transaction sets included in this functional group just ended 
NAGE02Group Control NumberThe control number of the functional group just endedMust match the control number in GS06 of this transmission
NAIEAInterchange Control TrailerMarks the end of one functional group(s) and the end of an EDI TransmissionThe ISA and IEA segments are called the "envelope"
NAIEA01Number of Included Functional GroupsNumber of GS segmentsThis is very rarely more than one
NAIEA02Interchange Control NumberThe same number as ISA13Must match the ISA13 number in this transmission

Note: all of the above envelope, header, and trailer segments and elements usage are very similar for most trading partners. The Transaction Set Segments vary by the type of transaction (PO, Invoice, ASN) as well as within the transaction type for each trading partner's requirements.

List of Commonly Used EDI Segments

Trans. Type
Segment / Example Elements
AllISAInterchange InformationIdentifies the sender and receiver using QID's. There is only one ISA
AllGSFunctional Group HeaderIdentifies the kind of business documents in this transmission
AllSTTransaction Set HeaderMarks beginning of a document, for example a Purchase Order
AllSETransaction Set TrailerMarks the end of a document, for example an Invoice
AllGEFunctional Group TrailerMarks the end of a functional group
AllIEAInterchange Color TrailerMarks the end of functional group(s) and the end of an EDI Transmission
POBEGBeginningMarks the start of the purchase order and has identifying information
POREFReference Identification
POSACService, Promotion, Allowance, or ChargeTo request or identify a service, promotion, allowance, or charge and the associated amount or percentage
POITDTerms of SaleSpecifies the terms of the sale
PODTMDate/Time ReferenceSpecifies relevant dates as well as times
PON1NameTo identify a party or organization using a code
PON3, N4Address InformationStreet, City, State address information
POPO1*Baseline Item DetailSpecifies most frequently used Purchase Order line item data
ASNBSNBeginningMarks the start of an the advance ship notice and has identifying information
ASNTD5Carrier DetailsSpecifies the carrier and routing sequence
ASNREFReference IdentificationMay be used for matching the Carrier's EDI 214 Carrier Status message
ASNN1NameTo identify a party or organization using a code
ASNPRFPurchase Order ReferenceContains data about the purchase order being filled by this ASN
ASNTD1Carrier DetailsSpecifies transportation details including commodity, weight, and quantity
ASNPO4*Item Physical DetailsSpecifies the packaging, weight, and dimensions
ASNMAN*Marks and NumberIndicates identifying marks and numbers on the shipment
ASNLIN*Item IdentificationItem identification data
ASNSN1*Item Detail (Shipment)Specifies line-item detail for this shipment
InvoiceBIGBeginningMarks the start of the invoice and has identifying information
InvoiceN1NameTo identify a party or organization using a code
InvoiceITDTerms of SaleSpecifies the terms of the sale
InvoiceDTMDate/Time ReferenceSpecifies relevant dates and times
InvoiceFOBFOB Related InstructionsSpecifies transportation and payment instructions for a shipment
InvoiceSACService, Promotion, Allowance, or ChargeTo request or identify a service, promotion, allowance, or charge and the associated amount or percentage
InvoiceCADCarrier DetailSpecifies transportation details for the items being invoiced
InvoiceIT01*Baseline Item DetailSpecifies most frequently used invoice line item data
InvoicePID*Product/Item DescriptionDescribes a product

*Indicates segment is located on detail level of transaction

Thursday 29 June 2017

How Does EDI Work?

Step 1: Prepare the documents to be sent

The first step is to collect and organize the data. For example, instead of printing a purchase order, your system creates an electronic file with the necessary information to build an EDI document. The sources of data and the methods available to generate the electronic documents can include:
  • Human data entry via screens
  • Exporting PC-based data from spreadsheets or databases
  • Reformatted electronic reports into data files
  • Enhancing existing applications to automatically create output files that are ready for translation into an EDI standard
  • Purchasing application software that has built-in interfaces for EDI files

Step 2: Translate the documents into EDI format

The next step is to feed your electronic data through translator software to convert your internal data format into the EDI standard format using the appropriate segments and data elements. You can purchase EDI translation software that you manage and maintain on your premises. This requires specialized mapping expertise in order to define how your internal data is to be mapped (i.e. correlated) to the EDI data. Translation software is available to suit just about any computing environment and budget, from large systems that handle thousands of transactions daily to PC-based software that need only process a few hundred transactions per week.
Alternatively, you can use the translation services of an EDI service provider. In that case, you send your data to the provider, who handles translation to and from the EDI format on your behalf.

Step 3: Connect and Transmit your EDI documents to your business partner

Once your business documents are translated to the appropriate EDI format they are ready to be transmitted to your business partner. You must decide how you will connect to each of your partners to perform that transmission. There are several ways, the most common of which include 1) to connect directly using AS2 or another secure internet protocol, 2) connect to an EDI Network provider (also referred to as a VAN provider) using your preferred communications protocol and rely on the network provider to connect to your business partners using whatever communications protocol your partners prefer, or 3) a combination of both, depending on the particular partner and the volume of transactions you expect to exchange. 


What Comprises an EDI Document?

An EDI document is comprised of data elementssegments and envelopes that are formatted according to the rules of a particular EDI standard.

When you create an EDI document, such as a purchase order, you must adhere to the strict formatting rules of the standard you are using. These rules define exactly where and how each piece of information in the document will be found. That way, when the EDI translator on the receiving computer reads an incoming EDI purchase order, it will immediately understand where to find the buyer’s company name, the purchase order number, the items being ordered, the price for each item, etc. Then, that data will be fed into the receiver’s order entry system in the proper internal format without requiring any manual order entry.
The graphic below shows a sample purchase order in printed form and how it would look once it’s translated into the ANSI X12.

In the EDI language, a single business document, such as a purchase order, invoice or advance ship notice, is called a “transaction set” or “message.” And, a transaction set is comprised of data elements, segments and envelopes.

Monday 26 June 2017

Edi basics

  3. 2.WHAT IS EDI? 
  4. 3.WHY USE EDI? 
  6. 5. HOW EDI WORKS?
  8. 7.FILE TYPES.
  10.  9.CONCLUSION.