IBM - IIB,WTX,EDI and BPM Solutions By Mallibabu

Thursday 5 May 2016

Conformation Dialog Box Using Coach View

 Conformation Dialog Box

Please Wait Dialog Box

Date Selection Human Service Using Custom HTML

 Date Selection

Enabling Text Box In Heritage Coach And Conform Dialog Box

Enabling Text Box In Heritage Coach


  1.Select Country List And Bind the variable what you declared in Coach.

2. Select the Ajax Service.

 3.Write the code for Enabling Button.

4.List Ajax Service For Country List.


   5.Conform Dialog When You Clicking OK.

Adding Case Management Feature After BPM Installation


                 1.Go To IBM Installation Manager Select Modify.

              2.Click Modify.

             3.Give the Process Designer Credentials.

               4.Select the Case Management Feature.

     5.Click Finish.